
Hi, I'm Wanderbot, and I'm on a personal mission to play as many cool videogames as humanly (or inhumanly) possible! I generally focus on indie games and roguelikes, but dabble here and there with tabletop and AAA games when I can.

I'm also joined frequently by my wife, Chelle- so keep an eye out for the purple robot in my thumbnails. She enjoys gaming as a storytelling medium (and loves analyzing worldbuilding and lore).

If you're a developer: make sure all emails from "me" are from my Wanderbots gmail under the 'view address' button below. Any other spellings are not me, and are people trying to request keys from you by using my name.

Note: If you are press or a content creator who wants to use bits of our footage or artwork- write to us in advance to ask for permissions. Our voices are likewise not to be used in any way without our consent.

BR414R - Ignore this code, it's an identity verification thing for a bot.

Computer Specs: https://puu.sh/u9gqq/481c715040.txt