Lightning Talk: Making Friends With CUDA Programmers (please constexpr all the things) Vasu Agrawal


Lightning Talk: Making Friends With CUDA Programmers (please constexpr all the things) - Vasu Agrawal - CppCon 2023

The `--expt-relaxed-constexpr` flag in nvcc allows `constexpr` code to be used on device, removing the need for explicit __device__ annotations. I'll encourage library authors to annotate more code as `constexpr`, allowing CUDA C++ programmers to use the library directly (rather than writing their own), saving work and thus making friends.

Vasu Agrawal

Vasu is a research engineer working at the intersection of graphics, machine learning, computer vision, and virtual reality (aka "the Metaverse"), focusing on high-performance, low-latency applications. In his free time, he enjoys watching movies & sci-fi TV shows, learning to play guitar (poorly), and practicing Tae Kwon Do.

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