Way back in 1997 I was making a feature-length documentary film on aggressive rollerblading. In-line skaters. Both in New York City and in LA. Including filming some of the very best skaters in the world at that time. Arlo Eisenberg and other founders of the sport. We confronted skateboarders constantly as we were shooting and sensed and sometimes aggressively felt the hostility skateboarders felt towards skaters. It made no sense to me.
As part of my ideas for the film which is called It's All Good, I put out the word via radio advertisements to skaters across the country to send me their homemade videos -- videos that show their lives and their attitudes towards skating. To my amazement and joy, hundreds did and sent me their videos. This is a selection of what I received. If you are a current teenage skating boy or girl or if you are an older person who remembers era, I think you will enjoy watching this. I hope so anyway. And if you are looking for the crashes and the injuries and the "blood", start watching the video at about eight minutes in
To see more go here: https://youtu.be/Ud23LZRrMnk