Time was running out for this family of 9 dogs, but we didn't give up!!! ❤️

Rescues in huge open fields are so difficult, and it’s much harder when there is more than one dog! On the first day of this rescue I made a mistake that could have turned out to be a disaster. 😳

I didn’t give up, and stayed in the area (Central California) for 30 hours until I figured it out.

This was a rollercoaster, a little sad, mostly happy, and it ends with a beautiful transformation of these dogs who initially didn't trust humans at all.

Rescues like this are possible only thanks to our supporters, and with more supporters, we will be able to do more rescues. If you can, please join us with an end-of-year donation here: https://www.HopeForPaws.org/donate ❤️❤️❤️

A small monthly donation will keep us going nonstop - this is not something we take for granted.

To apply to adopt Perdita and her puppies, please contact our friends at I Stand With My Pack: https://www.IStandWithMyPack.org

To apply to adopt Pongo, please contact our friends at Maison Sure: https://www.MaisonSureLA.org

Thank you so much!

We have two more videos coming in 2024! I saved the best one to the last day of the year!!!
