12,419 Days Of Strandbeest Evolution


The surprising genius of Strandbeests. Fight the data brokers with Incogni. Head over to https://incogni.com/veritasium to get 60% off your annual subscription.

A massive thank you to Theo Jansen, to learn more about him and his Strandbeests check out: https://www.strandbeest.com/

A special thank you to Adam Savage, check out his channel Tested over at: https://www.youtube.com/tested

0:00 Creation of the Beests
2:40 Learning to walk
6:50 Overcoming the sand
9:00 Surviving the storms
10:17 Incogni
11:46 Building muscle
14:27 A developing brain
17:39 Fossils and decay
18:13 Strandbeests and climate change
19:16 Legacy
20:03 The Virus is Spreading

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Patrons: Adam Foreman, Albert Wenger, Alexander Tamas, Anton Ragin, Autodidactic Studios, Bertrand Serlet, Blake Byers, Bruce, Dave Kircher, David Johnston, Evgeny Skvortsov, Farbod Mansorian, Garrett Mueller, Gnare, Greg Scopel, I. H., Juan Benet, KeyWestr, Kyi, Lee Redden, Marinus Kuivenhoven, Matthias Wrobel, Meekay, Michael Krugman, Orlando Bassotto, Paul Peijzel, Richard Sundvall, Sam Lutfi, Spilmann Reed, TTST, Tj Steyn, Ubiquity Ventures, gpoly, meg noah, wolfee

If you’re looking for a molecular modeling kit, try Snatoms, a kit I invented where the atoms snap together magnetically - https://ve42.co/SnatomsV


References: https://ve42.co/Refstrandbeest

Video and Image Credits:
Global Temperature Anomalies from 1880 to 2022 by via nasa.gov - https://ve42.co/temp188022
Adam Savage’s TestedAdam Savage's One Day Builds: Pedal-Powered Strandbeest! via Youtube - https://ve42.co/pedalbeest
greenmanbucket1980: Walter Cronkite on Climate Change via Youtube - https://ve42.co/cronkitecc
ThamesTvClimate Change | Global Warming | Pollution | This Week | 1988 via Youtube - https://ve42.co/1988ccnews
AP ArchiveUSA: VICE PRESIDENT AL GORE'S WARNING ON GLOBAL CLIMATE via Youtube - https://ve42.co/goresalarm
ThamesTvClimate Change - Warming Warning - 1981 via Youtube - https://ve42.co/1981warning
CBS New YorkReport Warns Of Rising Sea Levels via Youtube - https://ve42.co/searise
ShatnerMethodEarly Warnings of Climate Change Catastrophe - 1982 - CBS Evening News via Youtube - https://ve42.co/1982cbccc
The Weather NetworkNetherlands: Wind storm almost topples truck, tears roof off building via Youtube - https://ve42.co/dutchstorm
NBC NewsDeadly Storm Makes Crossing The Street A Battle In The Netherlands | NBC News via Youtube - https://ve42.co/stormbattle
Marcel OzymantraA clip from The Simpsons Season 28 Episode 10 "The Nightmare After Krustmas" via Youtube - https://ve42.co/simpsonscc
EngineezyI Built A Mechanical Walking Robot (with GPS) via Youtube - https://ve42.co/mechwalker
BigWR_永恒跳动的火焰Epic ride | Walking robot creature Strandbeest via Youtube - https://ve42.co/epicbeest
JK BrickworksLEGO Steampunk Walking Ship (Strandbeest) via Youtube - https://ve42.co/legobeest
The QEpic Cycling | Truly Unique Bicycle that Walks via Youtube - https://ve42.co/bikewalks
James BrutonBalancing Strandbeest via Youtube - https://ve42.co/beestbalance
TED-EdClosing the Dutch Maeslantkering (flood defence) | Timelapse via Youtube - https://ve42.co/floodclose
Peter TheobaldCentaur frame using Strandbeest mechanism - walking test via Youtube - https://ve42.co/centaurbot
The QDIY Walking Robotic Creature Strandbeest via Youtube - https://ve42.co/diybeest
HiroLabo OECUQuadruped Passive Walker by Strandbeest / Theo Jansen / LEGO via Youtube - https://ve42.co/quadwalker
Gabriel LaflammeStrandbeest 3d printed via Youtube - https://ve42.co/3dbeest
BigWR_永恒跳动的火焰Epic ride | Walking robot creature Strandbeest via Youtube - https://ve42.co/beestride
EngineezyI Built A Mechanical Walking Robot (with GPS) via Youtube - https://ve42.co/gpswalker
JKBrickworksLEGO Steampunk Walking Ship (Strandbeest) via Youtube - https://ve42.co/legoship
ZenichiWorksThe Playa Crawler Construction via Youtube - https://ve42.co/playabot
Concept BytesI built a WALKING coffee table via Youtube - https://ve42.co/walkingtable

Directed by Casper Mebius
Written by Casper Mebius, Derek Muller and Petr Lebedev
Edited by Luke Molloy, Laura Mills, and Peter Nelson
Animated by Fabio Albertelli and Mike Radjabov
Illustrated by Jakub Misiek
Filmed by Casper Mebius, Rasoel Al Safar and Derek Muller
Additional research by Gabe Bean
Produced by Casper Mebius, Derek Muller, Rob Beasley Spence and Tori Brittain
Thumbnail contributions by Ben Powell, Ren Hurley and Peter Sheppard
Additional video/photos supplied by Getty Images, Storyblocks
Music from Epidemic Sound