12 Days of Pol: Puppy Pandemonium (Full Episode) | The Incredible Dr. Pol | Nat Geo


It’s puppy pandemonium at PVS with puppy check-ups. Dr. Brenda wrestles a reindeer and Dr. Pol works to save a dog who’s eaten something dangerous.

12 Days of Pol | S1, E5

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About The Incredible Dr. Pol:
With 100,000 patients, Dr. Pol has seen it all. Specializing in large farm animals, this senior is anything but retiring as he takes an old school, no-nonsense approach to veterinary medicine. Unflappable and unstoppable, this Doc routinely puts in 14-hour days and is a legend in the community. In this series, we travel with Dr. Pol across rural Michigan to care for every family pet and head of livestock in need of his expertise.

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12 Days of Pol: Puppy Pandemonium (Full Episode) | The Incredible Dr. Pol | Nat Geo

Nat Geo Wild